Listening therapies are an auditory adjunct to sensory integration treatment, provided through specialized headphones using specially filtered and gated music to achieve goals such as improved self-regulation spatial awareness, decreased tactile defensiveness and improve attention. Music is selected by the therapist to achieve specific goals and is usually upgraded or changed every two weeks. Therapeutic Listening must be provided by an occupational therapist trained in this technique.
"Sound based intervention supports sensory processing."
What is Therapeutic Listening?
Therapeutic Listening (TL) is a sound based intervention that combines the therapeutic benefit of music with sophisticated sound technology to influence how a child perceives, processes and responds to sound. Therapeutic Listening requires the child to listen to electronically altered music, twice a day, through headphones recommended specifically for this program. It is often used as part of a sensory diet.
What goals can be addressed with Therapeutic Listening?
Therapeutic Listening CDs provide input to both the vestibular and auditory systems, which travel together throughout the nervous system. Because the process of listening involves multiple levels of the brain, auditory interventions can impact on many aspects of a child’s functioning, including postural control, sensory modulation, behavioral regulation, attention and focus, and auditory and sensory processing.
How is Therapeutic Listening implemented?
Once the program has been established during therapy sessions, Therapeutic Listening can be carried out at home and in school under the guidance of an Occupational Therapist. The listening program is upgraded frequently, usually every two weeks, to assist a child in meeting his/her emerging therapeutic goals.
Where can I find more information?
For more information about Therapeutic Listening, click here